Julian Busch
Research Scientist Machine Learning and AI Hi! I'm Julian, a Research Scientist in Machine Learning and AI with Siemens Technology in Munich, Germany.
My current projects focus on industrial AI where requirements such as reliability, trustworthiness, and explainability are of major concern. During my Ph.D., I mainly worked on representation learning for graphs and high-dimensional data.
I have a background in Computer Science with minors in Applied Bioinformatics and Mathematics. I have obtained a B.Sc. from Hamburg University, an M.Sc. from RWTH Aachen University, and a Ph.D. from LMU Munich.
My current projects focus on industrial AI where requirements such as reliability, trustworthiness, and explainability are of major concern. During my Ph.D., I mainly worked on representation learning for graphs and high-dimensional data.
I have a background in Computer Science with minors in Applied Bioinformatics and Mathematics. I have obtained a B.Sc. from Hamburg University, an M.Sc. from RWTH Aachen University, and a Ph.D. from LMU Munich.